Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A New Life...

We are thrilled to announce that another grandbaby and nephew has made his debut into the world! Jason and Hannah welcomed Elijah Terrence Devine on October 29th, 2014! He was the healthy weight of 9lbs. 2 oz. and is 21inches long! 

                                                              Elijah at 13 days old

                                     "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord
                                The fruit of the womb is a reward."
                                               Psalm 127:3

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Little Glimpse Into Our Musical Life

The impending snowball effect is in the making down a mountain of music.

For any musician, Christmas music practice and preparation generally begins in September. At least around here. Mom, Mallory and I are once again ringers in the Columbia River Handbell choir. This year both Mallory and I have taken on the lowest bells, which range between eight and ten pounds apiece. It has been lots of fun and we always enjoy being together. :) 
Also, this past week the Southwest Washington Symphony began preparations for the annual Christmas concerts, a huge community event that will include the handbell choir, and community choir! Mallory, Jared and I are also in our college's Concert Choir, which will be performing five various holiday carols that are all in different languages --quite the fun! 
After our family made a grand debut as the "Devine Family Ringers" this past Christmas season; performing two octave hand chimes as a family at several community events, we have received calls from all of the venues from last year asking if we would return again this year. What an honor! We have arranged to borrow a set of hand chimes this season and we look forward to beginning swift preparation for the weeks ahead! 
A snapshot of us during one of our performances
 that was to a crowd of over 500!  

In addition, our string quartet, consisting of Mallory, Matthew, Jared and I, is being booked to perform at each of the venues as well! 

We know that no production this size is possible without organization and good communication. 
Mallory has taken the lead as communications coordinator, which is no easy task! Meanwhile, I am ordering, planning, arranging, and collecting music for both ensembles! Victoria will no doubt get in on the outfit coordinating, we learned from last year that it isn't wise to wait until the last minute to collect outfits while crunching on practice time.
We have a few new members in the instrument family that we picked up over the Summer and would love to include this year, but that will have to wait for another post. :)

We look forward to being a blessing to the community and sharing the true reason for Christmas celebrations! 

-Elsie, for the family

Therefore, whether you eat or drink,
 or whatever you do, 
do all to the glory of God.
1 Cor 10:31

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Happy Birthday, Mallory!

Praising the Lord for the 23 years that Mallory has been in our family! Life wouldn't be the same without her!

Teach me to do Your will, 
For You are my God; 
Your Spirit is good.
Lead me in the land of uprightness.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

Something quite momentous happened over the recent holiday, but this story began eight years ago...

Dad and Mom went to a conference in Indianapolis, Indiana and there met a family of twelve. This family very much replicated ours, having seven sons and three daughters -and the two youngest being a boy and girl with blonde hair to boot! 
There were so many similarities between their family and ours. Mom and Dad came home telling us kids all about them and about how our two families had to meet sometime. Oh, and did I mention that this family lived in Canada? Yes, minor detail. 

Over the course of these eight years, our parents have seen and visited with the Neufeld family several times and, true to their original sentiments, they had so many good things to share from being with this family! Each year since, we have been invited to their annual New Years ice skating gathering, though we have never yet been able to make it up. Over the Summer, Dad has been in frequent over-the-phone business conversations with one of the married sons, and that son stressed how he wanted to have our two families meet this year! We all agreed with Stephen's idea and have been looking for opportunities in which we might be able to have such a momentous occasion finally take place. 
For years all of the kids on both sides have joked that none of the twenty kids actually existed. We would have to see it in person to believe it. :)
Without any assistance from either family, the Lord orchestrated it so that our families could (finally) meet! On Monday, all seventeen of us (four of their married sons couldn't make it) met at the wedding of a mutual friend! It was beyond fun and exciting to finally meet these people who we have heard so much about! It was easy for everyone to jump right in to conversation and get to know each other, praise the Lord! 
Alas, time flew by too quickly and it was time to part ways.  We did, however, manage to get a group picture together! :)

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is

                                                                    For brethren to dwell together in unity!

                                                                                               Psalm 133:1

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Plum Crazy

Our 82+ year old neighbor has this huge plum hedge that is just across the street from us and he said that we could have as many as we wanted, so long as we left some for his daughter to get. There are certainly no worries about there being enough to go around --hundreds of plums are hanging off of sagging branches and begging to be consumed! :) 
A friend had suggested we make some plum jam, something we haven't done before, so that we could enjoy the plums all throughout the year. 
Needless to say, Elsie has been spending a portion of her days making plum sauce and jam! 

“While the earth remains,

Seedtime and harvest,
                                                                     Cold and heat,
                                                                   Winter and summer,

And day and night
Shall not cease.”

Genesis 8:22

If you have experienced the aroma of cooking plum sauce it is relevant to warm applesauce and cranberry sauce! Sweet, yet, potent. :) 
We always enjoy filling up the pantry with home canned goods for the winter! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Smelling The Summer Roses....

Have you stopped and smelled the roses at all this Summer? Take a few moments out of your day and savor the small but sweet smelling creations that the Lord put there for enjoyment.
Here are just a few moments taken from every day life these last few weeks...


Some lovely roses

A delicious milkshake to cool the heat of the day

More lovely roses around the house

Victoria making butter!

                                                 Homemade tuna salad and rolls? Yes please!

So go enjoy the rest of your no-doubt-busy-summer but be sure to stop, smell the roses and praise the Lord along the way!

All the ends of the world
Shall remember and turn to the LORD,
And all the families of the nations
Shall worship before You."

Psalm 22:27

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

'This world is not my home I'm just a passing through...'

It is with happy hearts and busy hands that we praise the Lord for His goodness in our lives! 
The last few days we have been moving into a home and are happily doing so! 
The journey that the Lord has taken us on this whole last year has been an unforgettable one and we have each learned so much about friendship, family, hospitality, the truth of God's Word and more. 

Looking forward to what He has in store for us here! 

'This world is not my home 
I'm just a passing through
My treasures are laid up 
somewhere beyond the blue.'
                                                          A sunset at the new place!